PowerPoint Tutorials – Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations https://www.freepptpresentations.com Explore new concept everyday. Fri, 01 Feb 2019 18:32:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.2 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to handle PowerPoint like a Pro https://www.freepptpresentations.com/10-keyboard-shortcuts-handle-powerpoint-like-professional/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/10-keyboard-shortcuts-handle-powerpoint-like-professional/#comments Sun, 03 Feb 2019 13:59:54 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=283 Knowing keyboard shortcuts of any program or application improves noticeably the work efficiency. Especially while presenting the presentation. These are some of the hits of keyboards most used and these could help you out to perform your presentation as a pro. Let’s explore ten popular PowerPoint Keyboard Tips: Start your presentation (slideshow)  by pressing F5…

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Knowing keyboard shortcuts of any program or application improves noticeably the work efficiency. Especially while presenting the presentation. These are some of the hits of keyboards most used and these could help you out to perform your presentation as a pro.

Let’s explore ten popular PowerPoint Keyboard Tips:

  1. Start your presentation (slideshow)  by pressing F5
  2. Advance an effect or animation or next slide shows by pressing N, Enter, Page Down or Spacebar.
  3. Back one slide by pressing Page Up
  4. End the presentation view by pressing Escape
  5. Place yourself in the first slide by pressing the Home
  6. Go to the last slide by pressing the End key
  7. You can pause your presentation , by displaying a blank slide by pressing W
  8. If you want to pause your presentation ,by  displaying a black slide by pressing B
  9. Clears all on-screen annotations, by pressing E
  10. To place a new slide next to working one in a serial order –  just press Enter


If you want to access more shortcuts or the shortcuts mentioned above to be shown while the PowerPoint in on – then Just Press ALT key and you’ll have the options (shortcuts highlighted) just like the figure below:



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Export Presentation as a Video in PowerPoint 2016 – Create a Video Options Explained https://www.freepptpresentations.com/exporting-presentation-video-powerpoint-2016/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/exporting-presentation-video-powerpoint-2016/#comments Tue, 31 Jan 2017 10:31:05 +0000 https://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=15250 Previously we’ve explored how to export a presentation as pdf with multiple saving and publishing options. In today’s post, we will learn how to export a powerpoint presentation as a video. Follow on First things first open your presentation that you wish to export as a video. Click File. Click Export. Click Create a Video. Tip:…

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Previously we’ve explored how to export a presentation as pdf with multiple saving and publishing options. In today’s post, we will learn how to export a powerpoint presentation as a video. Follow on

First things first open your presentation that you wish to export as a video.

  1. Click File.
  2. Click Export.
  3. Click Create a Video.
    Tip: Download Keyboard Shortcuts for PowerPoint 2016


  4.  Click the down arrow to the right of Presentation Quality and click one of the options appear as drop down–
     Presentation Quality – Largest file size and highest quality
     Internet Quality – Medium file size and moderate quality
     Low Quality – Smallest file and lowest quality
  5. Click the down arrow to the left of Use Recorded Timings and Narrations and choose one of the options –
     Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations — if you did not record timed narrations and pointer movements.
     Use Recorded Timings and Narrations — if you recorded and timed narration and pointer movements.
  6. Change the default time spent on each slide by clicking the up (increase) or down (decrease) arrows to the right of Seconds spend on each slide option.
    The default time spent on each slide is set to 5 seconds by default by PowerPoint.
  7. Click Create Video.
  8. Enter the name of the video in the File name area.
  9. Browse to the location you wish to save the file.
  10. Select a supported video file format from the drop down in the Save As type area.
  11. Click Save.

PowerPoint renders video fast but for some presentations that include heavy transitions or animations, this may take a long wait. Hope you learned how to export a presentation as a video, In our upcoming PowerPoint 2016 Tutorials we will explore how to create presentation CD.

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How to Trace/Draw on Slides in Slideshow view https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-trace-draw-on-slides-slideshow-view/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-trace-draw-on-slides-slideshow-view/#respond Sun, 12 Apr 2015 19:20:17 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=1252 Imagine that you are in love with an object on slide that you want to trace into a silhouette, or make it more like a hand drawn, how would you do that in PowerPoint? How to draw on slides in PowerPoint? Well! PowerPoint doesn’t come with all features we imagine to make out of our…

The post How to Trace/Draw on Slides in Slideshow view appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

Imagine that you are in love with an object on slide that you want to trace into a silhouette, or make it more like a hand drawn, how would you do that in PowerPoint? How to draw on slides in PowerPoint?

Well! PowerPoint doesn’t come with all features we imagine to make out of our slides but it does have some features that can be used to make the imaginations come to reality and one of that feature we are going to explore today is called “annotations”. Annotations are the highlighting options we use while presenting the presentation in slideshow view.

Follow below steps to trace/draw objects on slides:

Step 1: Open the presentation

Step 2: Navigate to the slide where the object is placed

Step 3: Hold SHIFT+F5 to open the slide in slideshow view

Step 4: Now Right Click on the slide, it will open a menu, Go to > Pointer Options > Select Pen

Step 5: Now clicking and holding left click draw the outline of the object you want

Step 6: When you are done drawing, just press Esc key on keyboard, a notification window appears.


Just click Keep and when you are back on the slide you will have the drawing of the object you wanted. It’s that simple, now you can recolor by selecting the object and navigating to Format under Drawing Tool option or by going to PENS under INK Tools.


Note: Sometimes while you draw you may not see the marker but don’t worry keep drawing when you’ve done, your drawing is right there.

Here is the one we’ve drawn while writing this tut.

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How To Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 https://www.freepptpresentations.com/use-microsoft-powerpoint-2007/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/use-microsoft-powerpoint-2007/#respond Tue, 07 Oct 2014 15:10:53 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=762 In these videos you will learn how to use PowerPoint

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In these videos you will learn how to use PowerPoint

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How to create custom Layouts & Placeholders in PowerPoint 2013 https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-create-custom-layouts-placeholders-in-powerpoint-2013/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-create-custom-layouts-placeholders-in-powerpoint-2013/#respond Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:54:31 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=708 After a very long time we are back with a tutorial that will set your creativity on fire. This time we are going to show you how you can design and create your own custom layouts in PowerPoint 2013. So lets get started, first of all lets explore the benefits of having custom layouts: 1)…

The post How to create custom Layouts & Placeholders in PowerPoint 2013 appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

After a very long time we are back with a tutorial that will set your creativity on fire. This time we are going to show you how you can design and create your own custom layouts in PowerPoint 2013. So lets get started, first of all lets explore the benefits of having custom layouts:

1) You get to create your own slides that can handle your content in pretty understandable manner
2) Helps you get the attention of your audiences

Well! you might ask why not we do straight away on slides rather than entering Masters, Yes! even that ‘s possible and easy but when you work inside Master you have the complete control of your presentations from fonts to placements etc.

This tutorial is split into two parts, the first one is on how a layout with Placeholders can be created in PowerPoint, the second one guides you on how you can tweak created layout’s Placeholders. Let’s start with the first one.

How to Create Custom Layouts & Placeholders in PowerPoint 2013?

Open PowerPoint and Select Blank presentation

Blank Presentation

Now Go to View and  Select Slide Master. This will open the slide master that contains all the layout masters that are in your presentation.

Slide Master


Now select the existing layout slide from the slides pane that you want to edit ‘or’ you can also opt to delete the unnecessary  layouts and create a new one by clicking Insert Layout within Slide Master (See Figure below) , either way we finally end up delete the existing placeholders in the layout and insert the ones that are required.

Once you’ve done inserting the layout, just delete all  the Placeholders excluding  Date, Footer and Slide Number.

Slide Layout

Now its time we insert our own Placeholders that can make your slide fit with your content. So to insert Placeholder  click on the Insert Placeholder drop down arrow within the ribbon under Slide Master menus and select any placeholder you would like to have on your slide layout and resize it as required. In this example we inserted Chart placeholder.

Insert Placeholder

And the most important part that must not be forgotten — rename your layout so that you can find it in Layouts menu easily and apply to your presentation slides.

Rename LayoutRename Layout


When you are all set with the layouts and placeholders — just close the slide master and start creating your presentation using the layouts you’ve created.

Tip: Storyboard your presentation before you start PowerPointing.

In the next tutorial we’ll explore how we can tweak default placeholders to show our content more attentive and understandable.

The post How to create custom Layouts & Placeholders in PowerPoint 2013 appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

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How to Draw Hearts and Expressions in PowerPoint https://www.freepptpresentations.com/draw-hearts-expressions-powerpoint/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/draw-hearts-expressions-powerpoint/#comments Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:24:55 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=451 In earlier posts we’ve enlisted some amazing hearts and expressions for PowerPoint with which you can fill slides with love and emotions.  As promised, today we gonna show you how to draw hearts and expressions in PowerPoint. Follow this article step by step and start creating your own hearts and start giving them expression to…

The post How to Draw Hearts and Expressions in PowerPoint appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

In earlier posts we’ve enlisted some amazing hearts and expressions for PowerPoint with which you can fill slides with love and emotions.  As promised, today we gonna show you how to draw hearts and expressions in PowerPoint.

Follow this article step by step and start creating your own hearts and start giving them expression to match with your slide content.

Open PowerPoint Program, for this instance we are working on latest version of PowerPoint i.e Office 2013. You can use any version.

Choose Blank Presentation > Change Slide Layout to Blank

Form the Insert menu within Ribbon Choose Shapes > Navigate to Basic Shapes > Select Heart Shape

draw hearts in PowerPoint

Now holding Shift key of the keyboard draw a perfect heart on the slide using the mouse

hearts and expressions in PowerPoint

Change the Shape Fill of the heart shape to your desired color (Tip: Use Theme colors if you wish your shape to be theme compatible) and set the Shape outline to No Line, for this tutorial we filled it with red gradients.

hearts and fills

Now we have our heart ready, lets add expressions to it. To add expressions you need to draw eyes, eye balls and the mouth. First we will draw eyes followed by eye balls.

Go to Insert tab within the Ribbon > Shapes > Basic Shapes > select Oval shape


Now using your mouse draw an oval shape on your slide or heart  make sure its thin in width and long in height, see figure below.


Now make a copy of it and place it on the both sides of the heart and change the Shape Fill to solid white color,  set Shape Outline to No Line


Now that we have the eyes ready, lets draw eye balls, to draw eye balls — just select the oval shape from the shapes gallery again and holding the Shift key of the keyboard, draw perfect small circle using the mouse. Make sure it fits in the eye.

Fill the small circle with solid black color and set the Line no No line. Now drag and place the dot inside the eye, duplicate (CTRL+D) the same circle and place it in the other eye.


Now its time to draw the lips or mouth, for this object we will use the arc shape from the shapes gallery.  Select Insert tab within the Ribbon > Shapes >Basic Shapes > Arc. Draw a small arc on the slide and set its outline to solid white color


Rotate the shape as per your requirement and make your own expression.


By changing the eye balls and the Arc, you can create any number of expressions

Hearts and Expressions

Hope you enjoyed this piece of article.  Create some amazing hearts and tell us how you used it. We would be happy to hear your creativity.

The post How to Draw Hearts and Expressions in PowerPoint appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

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Introduction to PowerPoint 2007 – Interface https://www.freepptpresentations.com/introduction-to-powerpoint-2007-interface/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/introduction-to-powerpoint-2007-interface/#respond Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:22:24 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=419 Starting PowerPoint 2007  is the same as the previous versions that is go down to the start menu and browse through All Programs > Microsoft Office and select Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 If you’ve used this program before you can choose the larger icon in the start menu the program starts as before, but that the…

The post Introduction to PowerPoint 2007 – Interface appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

Starting PowerPoint 2007  is the same as the previous versions that is go down to the start menu and browse through All Programs > Microsoft Office and select Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

If you’ve used this program before you can choose the larger icon in the start menu the program starts as before, but that the user interface is quite  different in the past there was just a menu bar at the top of the document, this is now replaced with the area called Ribbon.

The Ribbon is the context sensitive tool bar it changes depending on what you are doing and the tools and options you might need. The Ribbon contains many the other options ever accessed in previous versions. The following video shows you a detailed interface of PowerPoint 2007 starting from the Ribbon.


In the next article you will be learning how to use PowerPoint 2007.

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How to Start PowerPoint 2007 in Microsoft Windows XP https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-start-powerpoint-2007-in-microsoft-windows-xp/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/how-to-start-powerpoint-2007-in-microsoft-windows-xp/#respond Fri, 27 Jun 2014 18:50:24 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=402 Microsft has already announced its support end term on Windows XP, but still there are many users across the globe who’ve never left the XP or wish to continue their learning bond with the world’s most popular operating system. Whatever reason you might be having — we admit that XP’s program functionality is quite different…

The post How to Start PowerPoint 2007 in Microsoft Windows XP appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

Microsft has already announced its support end term on Windows XP, but still there are many users across the globe who’ve never left the XP or wish to continue their learning bond with the world’s most popular operating system. Whatever reason you might be having — we admit that XP’s program functionality is quite different from the latest OS’ . Starting or locating  programs in the latest Windows 8 and Windows 7 is quite easy, thanks to multitasking  and the start search in the operating system, but when in it comes to Windows XP! It requires more of your appearance in performing this task.

So , here’s how you can start PowerPoint 2007 in Micorsoft Windows XP.

Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office >Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

See the below video for visual information.


Alternatively you can also opt to Open or start PowerPoint program from run command. To do so open run command terminal by holding Windows key (Start) + R.

How to Start PowerPoint 2007 in Microsoft Windows XP

Once the terminal is open just paste this term powerpnt  and hit Enter

Not just the PowerPoint! You can also open  Microsoft Office suite programs such as Word and Excel.

To open word just type or paste winword  in the run command terminal. And to open Excel, type or paste this term excel in the run command terminal and hit Enter.

Knowing this sort of keyboard strokes saves you a lot of time. We recommend you learn as many keyboard shortcuts as you can.

In our next tutorial we will be going through a quick overview on the interface of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and will also explore some keyboard shortcuts that allows you to handle PowerPoint like a pro.

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How to Create a Facebook Cover Image in PowerPoint https://www.freepptpresentations.com/create-facebook-cover-image-art-in-powerpoint/ https://www.freepptpresentations.com/create-facebook-cover-image-art-in-powerpoint/#respond Tue, 17 Jun 2014 19:15:16 +0000 http://www.freepptpresentations.com/?p=313 Facebook cover image represents your online attitude and designing an appropriate cover art that matches your profile or personality requires fair amount of time and also pretty some creative skills. In this article I am about to show you a simple way to create some awesome cool looking cover images for Facebook by just using…

The post How to Create a Facebook Cover Image in PowerPoint appeared first on Download Free PowerPoint Templates, Tutorials and Presentations.

Facebook cover image represents your online attitude and designing an appropriate cover art that matches your profile or personality requires fair amount of time and also pretty some creative skills. In this article I am about to show you a simple way to create some awesome cool looking cover images for Facebook by just using PowerPoint, Pictures and Some Text.

So, let’s learn how to create a Facebook cover art/image in PowerPoint:

    1. Open PowerPoint 2013, or which ever version of PowerPoint you have. When you open PowerPoint, it actually opens with a default presentation i.e blank presentation. But if you are using PowerPoint 2013, you get choose from theme gallery. If you are on PowerPoint 2013 select Blank presentation from the presentation gallery, see Figure 1 below.presentation-gallery

      Figure 1: Choose Blank Presentation from the presentation gallery


    1. Once the blank presentation is open, navigate to Design tab within the Ribbon, choose Slide Size menu as shown in the Figure 2 below.Slide Size Menu

      Figure 2: Slide Size Menu


    1. From the Slide Size menu choose Custom Slide Size (see Figure 2 above),it will open Slide Size dialog box(see Figure 3 below). Set the width value to 11.819 in and the height value to 4.375 in, as shown in Figure 3 below and make sure slide orientation is set to landscape and click OK.slide size

      Figure 3: Slide Size dialog box

      If you are a PowerPoint 2013 user: You’ll see PowerPoint 2013 displaying a window that says maximize or ensure fit, choose ensure fit


    1. Now that you’ve matched the size of the slide to the size of the Facebook cover, Change the layout to Blank. From the Design tab within the Ribbon select Format Background and fill the slide with your choice i.e solid fill, gradient fill etc, for this instance we choose to fill our slide background with gradient as shown in Figure 4 below.Slide Background

      Figure 4: Format Slide Background


    1. Now try filling up this slide with drawing some shapes such as circles, and fill shapes with your head shots, as shown in Figure 5 below.Shape Fill
      Figure 5: Fill Shape with Picture

      Tip: whenever you try adding the pictures inside the shape, you’ll find the images being squeezed. To tweak this problem, select the picture and navigate to the Picture Tools Format that appears in the Ribbon, select Crop > Fill


    1. Add some text to the slide and when you are happy with the edits you’ve done such as the one below.cover

      Figure 6: End Result


    1. It’s time to export the image. To export the image, navigate to the File menu > Save as >Computer >Browse to the location you want save the image >Set the Save as type to PNG or JPG > SaveSave As Type

      Figure 7: Save as


Now you can Log into your Facebook and upload the image you’ve exported from PowerPoint. You can still save the opened presentation and use whenever required. I am attaching the worked out presentation to this article, if you need help just download this start editing.

Download File

See Also: Facebook Cover Art Templates for PowerPoint

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