Pictures add life to the content, no matter how complex the theory may be. And PowerPoint handles pictures pretty well. But when it comes to designing the picture to look more creative then you got to put yourself together to create some illustrations etc. to decorate the inserted picture. And when it comes to decorating the picture what comes first are the borders that are simple plain straight lines around the picture, but what if we add borders that look sketched? Taking this point of theory into practice we have created a bunch of borders for PowerPoint and aligned them with shapes, we call them as “Picture Frames”.
All you need to is download the file, open with any PowerPoint program, select the frame ungroup it and add your picture to the solid fill rectangle shape, select the border and apply fills or effects etc. to it , adjust until you are satisfied with the visual.
Altogether you get 8 picture frames. You can resize, re-color and add effects for they are essentially PowerPoint Shapes.
Download Free Picture Frames for PowerPointIn our coming tutorials we will show you how you can create these picture frame shapes on your own. So stay tuned and keep exploring.