Ideas are the essentials for human survival and also the reasons behind its evolution in technology etc. An idea can change anything, it can turn thoughts to things and make poor to become power and what not. An idea can indeed do anything.
But where does these ideas come from? The simple answer for this question would be –“Ideas are every where” — you don’t have to search for them, you just need to focus, watch and listen.
When coming to the presentation world, we want to present our slides with life so that they can deliver our message directly into the brains of our audience but unfortunately that doesn’t work pretty well. So, how do we do that, how do we present a presentation where the content presented would be in viewers mind even after the presentation is over? Obviously the answer is “An Idea”, in this case what we are talking about is decorating your slide and yourself with an Idea and see the magic happen.
But how do we decorate a slide with an Idea? Well demonstrating this topic is hard on document or on paper but let’s try to concentrate on few things that can be a basic input. As I’ve mentioned earlier — Ideas are everywhere, you don’t have to search for them — just focus, watch and listen.
Focus: Don’t stress your brain to the extent level but instead let it relax and focus on the topic you want to present, if you do that with proper relaxation, your brain comes out with ways to present your concept. Whatever thought you receive at that very moment — write it down on a paper or note it down on a notepad and later create your slide using the input.
Watch: People get lost searching for Ideas where they can be found all around, Yes! If you can see or watch clearly — you’ll find bunch off Ideas residing in front of you whether they can be in the form of Ted talks, videos, holdings or magazines or paper work or paint work, you name it. You’ll find tons of Ideas around you — if you can watch them, try taking them as input — you can manipulate them, and you can make them even more better. This principle applies to the presentations as well.
Listen: Yes! Listening is one of the greatest way to learn. If you can spend some time listening inspirational thoughts or chit chat with people near by you . You are not just listening but you are also learning Ideas from them. You don’t observe that becasue you are more involved in listening than on putting the voice stream into lists. When coming to the presentation world no matter how professional you are — you are still a learner and you must never quit to learn from the beginners to the experts. And when you listen their presentations that were done earlier or recent, you’ll come up with Ideas of your own.
These three things can get you started, give them a try. I am damn sure when you do these you won’t have to search for Ideas, instead you’ll be busy conceptualizing them.