The world is passing through a difficult phase where vaccines seem to bring some light in the hour of darkness. With the technology in hand, scientists across the world have worked tirelessly to bring out the vaccines that can help us battle the pandemic of COVID-19.
Upon the request from our users who are teachers, here we are with a short version of the presentation that details COVID-19 vaccines approved by WHO.
The presentation you download contains 10 sets of slides with summarized information on the vaccines in use. Do note, no statistical information such as doses administered, etc. is not put in the presentation as that information keeps changing from time to time. Rest everything from explaining what a vaccine is to how it works and how the COVID-19 vaccine works, the side-effects, efficacy, comparisons, and the vaccines in the pipeline are presented in this presentation.
As usual, this presentation is free to download and use. Like, Share, and Comment if you like our work.
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