Free PowerPoint Templates

A perfect template is something that makes your presentation more intuitive and subject oriented. We believe “Presentations are more than  words and visuals, Presentations are ideas that transform the world”. So it’s in deed a presenter’s responsibility to make sure the presentation meets all the key points required to deliver an effective presentation. And supporting…

Resonate PowerPoint Template

Do you ever wished to use a PowerPoint Template that is freakishly blowing the audience, especially the audience who love to  watch objects move to the groove. We call this Resonate PowerPoint Template because the objects inside continuously resonate(vibrate) The template comes with 6 slide layouts with 6 different animated variations. The middle a white…

Boxes PowerPoint Template

Boxes PowerPoint Template is template that has box look alike structures in its layouts. It comes with 6 Layouts that provide elasticity to justify the content and make it more attentive. What’s more all the graphics in the layout are PowerPoint Native, therefore you change their colors by changing Theme Color from the Design section of the…