Ramadan(Ramzan) PowerPoint Background Templates

As a custom of our site i.e we enlist downloads that are particularly related to global events and hence today we enlist these Free PowerPoint Templates especially for the occasion of Ramadan. The whole set contains 10 PowerPoint Templates with Ramadan themed background. Download and use them as required. Do note these templates are 4:3 standard…

Download Free Frames for PowerPoint

We Just explored it as an experiment but found out that it works perfectly on the slides, we welcome you to download Frames for shapes.  These frames are essentially PNG images that you can insert on top of the shapes that has picture fills applied. All together you get 10 frames that can be resized…

Motion Fibers Backdrops for PowerPoint

A Good Background Does Make An Impact On A Great Presentation. A Background That Go Ready With The Content and Keep The Eye of The Audience Stay Focused is really something that you can pay for. But in here in our blog we present things for free and as a part of our moto “Presentations…

Download Office 2016 Preview for Windows

Microsoft is preparing the new version of Office, but before it makes it out to the market, Microsoft wants to know the insights of the users, so as always Microsoft is giving preview version of Microsoft Office 2016 for  175 days of free evaluation, which means that a user can download this preview version and try…

Free PowerPoint Templates for PowerPoint 2013

Yet another set of PowerPoint Templates for PowerPoint 2013. In the download you will find three widescreen templates with customized placeholders that you can use to create amazing slides with intuitive content. These PowerPoint templates works fine with PowerPoint 2013 version. The download contains three color variations of the templates, use the one that suits…

Picture Slides for PowerPoint

PowerPoint provides you many ways to creatively showcase your pictures. You can Insert shapes and fill them up with your pictures or use placeholders instead. But there is a complete turn around way where you can make your pictures more appealing and it is done by custom picture placeholders. With Custom Picture Placeholders you can…